University of Sargodha Roll No Slips 2025

University of Sargodha is a relatively new general university as compared to other public sector universities but the UOS achieved fame and importance in very little time. It is an important university central Punjab and now many colleges and other institutes have get affiliation of Sargodha University for bachelor level to PhD level exams.
There are also thousands of students studying inside UOS while thousands of private students have also registered themselves in Sargodha University to conduct exams from bachelor to PhD levels in various disciplines of education. Like other universities, University of Sargodha also conducts exams in their scheduled time. The university conducts annual exams twice in a year as 1st annual and 2nd annual exams for the easiness of students.
The roll number slips are also issued by UOS twice in a year for the students. These roll number slips are posted at the related colleges and mentioned addresses of the regular and private students respectively. Online copies of the roll number slips are also uploaded by the university at its website. Now for the convenience of UOS students, we are also providing the option to download their roll number slip of their related exams from this site.
Now the students of Sargodha University can easily attain their roll number slips from this site if there is any problem getting their roll number slips through the University of Sargodha.