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University of Sargodha Past Papers 2024-2025

University of Sargodha PGD, BA, BSc, B.Com, MA, Msc, Masters, M.Phil, Ph.D Past Papers 2024, 2023, 2022 to download online.

uos Past Paper 2025 class PGD, BA, BSc, B.Com, MA, Msc, Masters, M.Phil, Ph.D

University of Sargodha is a public sector general education university that was established in 2002. As compared to most of the other public sector university, it is a relatively new university but despite that, Sargodha University has achieved fame and importance almost equal to the earlier founded universities of Punjab. Due to this reason, several public and private colleges in western and other parts of Punjab are affiliated with Sargodha University. UOS provides education from bachelor to PhD level while there are groups of arts, science, commerce, medical and other departments. Many private and regular students participate in the bachelor and master degree level exams under Sargodha University. UOS conducts BA/ BSC annual exams during the months of March and April while MA/ MSC annual exams are held in the months of May and June. For both these classes, practical papers are held after the written papers.

The bachelor and master degree level students of Sargodha University make use of their relevant past papers for preparation of their exams. UOS BA/ BSC past papers and UOS MA/ MSC past papers inform the students about important questions that are repeated in the exams along with the types of questions that are asked by the university in the exams and also the paper pattern of papers of different subjects. The students of Sargodha University can easily download UOS BA/ BSC past papers and UOS MA/ MSC past papers from this site. These past papers can easily increase the marks and grade of the bachelor and master degree level students of Sargodha University.

Download University of Sargodha Bachelor, BA, BSC, MA, MSC Part, Master, Semester Past Papers 2025

Sargodha University B.Com Past Papers 2019

Sargodha University B.Com Past Papers 2018

Sargodha University BA Bsc Past Papers 2019


Sargodha University MA Msc Part 2 Past Papers 2018

Sargodha University MA Msc Part 1 Past Papers 2018

Sargodha University BA Bsc Past Papers 2018

Sargodha University BA Bsc Past Papers 2017

Sargodha University BA Bsc Past Papers 2016

Sargodha University B-Com Part 1 Past Papers 2016

Sargodha University B-Com Part 2 Past Papers 2016

Sargodha University BA-BSc Past Papers 2015

Sargodha University B-Com Part 1 Past Papers 2015

Sargodha University B-Com Part 2 Past Papers 2015

Sargodha University B-ed Past Papers 2015

Sargodha University MA part 2 Past Papers 2016

Pastpapers University of Sargodha MA Part 1 2016

Pastpapers University of Sargodha M-Com part-2

Pastpapers University of Sargodha M-Com part-1

Pastpapers University of Sargodha MA part-2 2015

Pastpapers University of Sargodha MA part-1 2015

University of Sargodha Past Papers 2025

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Uzma Khalid
I need last 3year past paper of wild life and animal physiology and ecology of BS program of Sargodha university
Mianwali2024-10-22 06:02:53
Zain Farooq
i will required Bs math Semester -8 subject: Numerical Analysis-II MATH-6125 PAST PAPER UNIVERITY OF SARGODHA FOR affiliated COLLEGES
Sargodha2024-07-12 08:23:07
I need past papers of subject algebra ofsorghodha university of bs maths
Jhelum2024-07-01 07:20:02
Abdul Rahim
AoA Sir I need ADS past papers of Physics and Statistics.... I urgently need this.....
Khushab2024-05-18 18:00:13
Mohsin Raza
Please BBA 3rd semester srghoda university k past papers provide kr dain
Sialkot2024-04-29 07:20:06
Nalain Shah
Sir mujh BS 5th semester psychology k past papers chahiye
Sheikhupura2024-04-28 15:23:37
Shaheen Akhter
3rd year k last 3 year 2023,2022,2021 k paper bhej do plz
Khushab2024-03-13 10:00:13
Hammad Ahsan
Respected sir i need a previous 3years past papers of bs civil 1st semester
Gujrat2024-02-28 11:21:27
Zainab Bibi
Msc mathematics past papers for fluid mechanics and number theory please
Gilgit2024-02-24 06:00:21
Zainab Bibi
Msc mathematics past papers for fluid mechanics and number theory please
Gilgit2024-02-24 05:59:37
Ehtisham Ahmad
Assalam o alikum Sir i need economic part 1 three years past papers.
Khushab2024-01-08 18:10:01
Assalamualaikum sir I need 5 years past papers of MA economic part 1 and part 2
Gujranwala2024-01-01 13:36:41
Saif Ur Rehman
Asslamualaikum sir I need BBA first semester past papers
Gujrat2023-12-22 12:30:03
Hafeez Ur Rehma
plz i need 5 year solved past papers of ma punjabi part 1 & 2 both
Rawalpindi2023-12-10 15:07:25
Syeda Aroosh Sh
Sir plz send 5 years past papers of economics....This subject is in BS Islamyat term 2
Mandi Bahauddin2023-11-08 13:11:20
I need msc botany past paper
Alipur2023-10-28 07:01:04
Almas Saba
Plz send 5 years old papers of bs physics 1st semester
Attock2023-08-15 06:21:52
Mubrra Rehman
Plz send me 5 year past paper of m.phil biotechnology
Sargodha2023-08-08 12:17:13
Mubrra Rehman
Plz send me 5 year past paper of m.phil biotechnology
Sargodha2023-08-08 12:16:26
Asghar Ali
Assalamualaikum dear Sir kindly i need past papers for BA Urdu optional part2 2021,2022
Vehari2023-08-05 13:20:46
Haleema Sadia
Assalam o Alaikum! sir I need all subjects past papers of BS Islamic studies 4th semester
Sargodha2023-08-02 03:19:35
M. Moazam Sohai
Plzzz I need a past papers of Digital logic design BS IT university of sargodah 2021 2022 2023 Kindlyyy any body can help mee Plzzz anyone I am waiting for your reply
Lahore2023-07-19 10:35:49
Plzz urgently send the 5 years past papers of MPhil English....plzzz
Narowal2023-07-14 19:06:27
Bs mathematics third term past papers
Bhakkar2023-06-14 09:21:29
Sania Sagheer
Assalamualaikum sir I need 5years past paper BA part ll university of Sargodha education Punjabi English lslami study option
Sargodha2023-06-01 07:53:43
Iqra Rani
Please send BS chemistry 1st semester all subjects past papers are starting from 1st June
Sargodha2023-05-30 21:02:17
Saba Ameer
Please BS English ka first sysmter ka past paper to send kr da mra first June ko first paper ha
Bhera2023-05-22 06:36:40
Amjad Ali Sahu
I need a MA part one past papers of 2022,2021
Sialkot2023-05-17 05:08:21
Faisal Ur Rehma
I need to past papers of BS education UOS affiliated colleges semester system
Sargodha2023-05-03 07:59:03
Muhammad Qasim
I need M.A Arabic solved past papers of Sargodha university
Sargodha2023-04-11 17:46:05
Qasim Sadiq
BS Islamyat 5th Term History Question Paper and all other papers of 5th semester of BS Islamyat
Gujrat2023-02-27 08:23:54
Muhammad Zubair
send me Mphil Education past paper for entry test
Sargodha2023-02-24 05:43:23
aoa sir.need the past paper for management sciences for phd test preperation
Faisalabad2023-02-08 21:06:00
Javeria Amir
Please Pharm D ky bhi past papers post kryn
Sargodha2022-11-09 10:46:06
Zaman Ali
Roll no slip m.a pak study composite annual examination 2022 not show
Faisalabad2022-10-19 19:47:19
Sir plz share sociolinguistics semester 2 past papers
Sahiwal2022-10-08 19:37:00
M Ibrar
Past paper Bs physics
Mianwali2022-10-06 22:25:11
Burhan Zahid
Alipur2022-09-13 07:23:38
Burhan Zahid
Alipur2022-09-13 07:23:21
Mudassar Nadeem
Need past gat test sample for m.fill in urdu please ......argent
Hafizabad2022-09-05 18:04:21
MA economics part one past paper Chahye..kindly provide
Chichawatni2022-08-04 11:27:47
Sohaib Sultan
Need Past Paper of BBA HRM and Management and MCOM Management & Marketing
Sargodha2022-07-13 09:38:13
I need ma English part one past papers
Malakwal2022-07-01 11:32:31
Alisha Ahmed
I need past papers of MSC physics Part 1
Sargodha2022-03-19 15:21:10
any body have m.a part I past papers including march 2021 then plz tell me....
Sargodha2021-10-20 07:14:21
Abdaal Hassan
Sir kindly send uos msc math part 1 all past papers include 2020 plzzz
Mandi Bahauddin2021-09-26 03:37:55
Abdaal Hassan
Sir kindly send uos msc math part 1 all past papers include 2020 plzzz
Mandi Bahauddin2021-09-26 03:35:51
Sajid Ali
uos m.a ki datesheet 2021 kb a rahi ha are paper kb hain plz tell me
Lahore2021-09-24 12:09:05
Sajid Ali
uos ma ki datesheet 2021 kb show ho gai ar paper kb ho rhy hain please tell me fast
Lahore2021-09-24 12:01:16
Past paper of entry test for mphill biotechnology please
Okara2021-08-29 08:56:21

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