University of Sargodha Date Sheet 2025

University of Sargodha is a general education public sector university which is relatively new as compared to most of the other general education public sector university. Sargodha University was established in 2002 but despite a new university, UoS has made its place among the top universities of Pakistan. Many degree and postgraduate colleges in Punjab are affiliated with Sargodha University. The university conducts the exams from BA/ BSC to PhD level. Every year, thousands of regular and private students participate in the exams.
Sargodha University conducts BA/ BSC annual exams during the months of March and April while MA/ MSC annual exams are organized by the university during the months of May and June. Written and practical papers for both the classes are held separately. UoS announces the date sheets 2025 of BA/ BSC annual exams and MA/ MSC annual exams few months before the start of their respective annual exams in order to inform the students about the examination schedule and time table.
Download uos revised date sheet 2025 as provided by University of Sargodha for final annual exams. Download University of Sargodha supply Time Table 2025 for board final papers as per scheduled date & time online for classes including 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Bachelor, Master etc.